Wednesday, April 17, 2019

2019 David M. Lee Historical Lecture in Physics, Anton Zeilinger, "Quantum Information and Quantum Communication, Foundations and Prospects"

Event Date as Display String:

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 8:00pm - 9:30pm


Physics Department, Jefferson 250, 17 Oxford St., Cambridge


Event Description:

Gazette Classification: Lecture,Science Organization/Sponsor:
Department of Physics Marvin and Annette Lee Fund Speaker(s):
<strong>Anton Zeilinger</strong><br /><em>Professor Emeritus</em><br
/><em>Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology University of
Vienna Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Austrian
Academy of Sciences</em> Cost: Free and open to the public Contact
Info: Jolanta Davis 617-495-2866 Link:
It is curious that the development of quantum physics — arguably the
most successful description of nature ever — was accompanied by
fundamental debates from the early days until today. Schrödinger's
cat, Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" and his comment that
"God does not play dice with the Universe" are deeply rooted in
fundamental features of the theory: superposition, entanglement and
randomness. The concept of Quantum Information encompasses these
fundamental features. In the talk, Prof. Zeilinger will discuss some
fundamental experiments. For example, in delayed-choice entanglement
swapping, the decision whether two photons which share no common past
are entangled or not can be made at the time when they already have
been detected. An interesting and very visual workhorse are orbital
angular momentum states of photons. They opened up the possibility for
higher-dimensional quantum experiments. That way, entanglement has
been confirmed for quantum numbers above 10.000 and between two more
than 100-dimensional quantum states. In the talk, Prof. Zeilinger will
also mention recent experiments in higher dimensions where the setup
has been designed by the computer program Melvin. Finally, a recent
Cosmic Bell Test experiment will be discussed, where the randomness is
taken from fluctuations of light from distant quasars. The talk will
conclude with a most technical application, the implementation of
intercontinental quantum cryptography between Beijing and Vienna via
the Chinese quantum satellite Micius, and with The Big Bell Test
involving 100.000 participants providing independent input for 13
experiments on 5 continents.


Event Start Date as Date Type:

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 20:00 to 21:30


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Feature Image:



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